


computes the order of accuracy of rk.

Details and Options

  • The order of a RungeKutta method is a non-negative integer.
  • The following options can be given:
  • EmbeddedFalsewhether to use the embedded coefficients
    StageNonetreat a stage as the solution
    DenseOutputFalsehow to evaluate dense output


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Basic Examples  (1)

Get the order of a generic collocation method:

At GaussLegendre nodes, the collocation method is order four:

Options  (3)

Embedded  (1)

Get the order of an embedded method:

Stage  (1)

Get the order of a particular stage:

DenseOutput  (1)

Get the order of the dense output solution:

Possible Issues  (1)

Methods with floating point or rational approximations to coefficients may fail to satisfy order conditions by small, but nonzero residuals:

Tech Notes
  • RungeKutta Methods